Thursday, January 29, 2015

Midterm 3

    Here is our third tutorial. It a photo of a ball in .tiff format. We had to save it in three other popular web formats...png, jpg, and gif. 

 I cannot tell the difference in the three formats. They look the same to me. 

 This is my tutorial #3. It is a midterm exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics . For details, visit the immersive portal at

Midterm 2


Here's our second exercise in Gimp. We had to add a caption to a photo.

 This is my tutorial #2. It is a midterm exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics . For details, visit the immersive portal at

Midterm 1


       Here is my first tutorial using Gimp. Called Midterm 1. We had to remove the redeye.  He's even cuter now!!

                               This is my tutorial #1. It is a midterm exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discoverig Computer Graphics . For details, visit the immersive portal at

Class 2 , Assignment 9

Here's a screenshot of me viewing the lesson in learning HTML. Very interesting.
Next I am reading about creating my very first HTML file & webpage

Next I am typing my code for my first webpage

Lasdtly, A screenshot of my webpage opened up in my browser

Here's an example of me 

Class 2 Assignment 3

Here's a screenshot of my desktop and Class #2 Roll call. I will now use Gimp to Crop out the desktop and show JUST the meat of the learning ladder

Here's a shot of my using Gimp cropping the learning ladder

Here's the FINAL screenshot of just the learning ladder. No menus, tools, and side bars

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Assignment 2-2: My Gimp Photo

Hi Everybody. This is a picture of my on top of Mount Shaw in NH. It was taken a few years ago, but I'm still just as sexy today. I Love to snowmobile in the winter. There hasn't been enough snow this winter to go out on any long trips. But...Hopefully soon ;-)

 I used the pencil, smudge, and paintbrush tool to enhance my picture. I hope you like it.

Assignment 2-1: What is Immersive Education?

    Here are some screenshots of the very cool Immersive Education     video we watched in class tonight

Our Professor Aaron Walsh introducing himself and talking about Immersive Education

The professor talking about why the need for Immersive education and how effective it is on young students, by changing the way they learn

This is a virtual field inside a massive aquarium. This method gives students a unique way to view and learn about sea creatures from a different perspective.
I was fortunate enough to attend this when it was held in Boston a couple of years ago.  I was taking my Web2.0 class. It was a very interesting summit

Class 1 Assignment 4: Experimenting with GIMP

                  Posting Various Pictures I played around with Using Gimp Software

I sucked the color right out of these mums. They were so beautiful.

An Inverted picture of my son on a BC Police Motorcycle

 Fooling Around with Various Brushes

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Class 1, Assignment 5

Here's  picture of Me, my son, and my niece in the fall. I am using Gimp software

Hello, my name is Stephen Perullo. This is my second year at the Woods School and I am very excited for this class. I am personally interested in computer graphics, and video games. This course is going to be a lot of fun. I can tell already. I hope you like my blog area. Let me know what you think.