Thursday, May 7, 2015

Examining Gender, Race and Body Image in a Virtual World

Below are screen shots of my avatar socializing in several virtual worlds.  As I changed my Avatar, I noticed a slight difference in who was willing to talk to me. When I was a guy Avatar, and approached several women, some instantly teleported away from me before I even got to take a screen shot! I didn't even get a chance to say hello!

Everybody seemed friendly and wanted to talk to me as a monster. I was surprised.

Then I changed in to a woman avatar.

This girl didn't want to talk to me, she just showed me her AX!

This girl talked to me, she was very nice.

Then I changed to a dude Avatar...

I didn't get too much of a response...

This girl was pleasant. I liked her

My original, Demon avatar. People loved me and talked to me all the time!

Some people teleported away from me instantly as I attempted to say hello. I was slightly offended.

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