Thursday, March 12, 2015

CLASS 8, MINECRAFT: Interface Fundamentals

Below are screen caps of me reading about, installing, watching videos, and eventually PLAYING Minecraft. It was a lot of fun. I have played before with my son. He is a Minecraft MASTER

Reading up on it and getting instruction. Also clicking links to videos!

A very informative trailer video about "What IS Minecraft?"

After the install and logging on for the first time

The passwords seem to be working. Starting up

MOJANG. The software company that created Minecraft

All is a GO! BEGIN your adventure and exploring

As suggested in the directions; watch the tutorial vids while starting up for the first time

It seems kind of dark right now. And Zombies are walking around everywhere!

I was very high and had a good vantage point. Looking all around

Surprised to see avrious livestock, like goats, sheep, and I thought I heard horses!

This sheep is gettin ALL UP in my business! The duck is just watching

Still watching more movies while exploring

The landscapes are beautiful. Filled with all sorts of mountains, lakes, trees and cliffs

Very lush landscapes in this other world I visited as well

From underneath, looking up at the world. Interesting POV

I was starting to get used to the controls and really enjoyed playing

I especially enjoyed the vines hanging from the trees...or are they supposed to be weeping willows?

I see some water. I think I'm going to jump in it!

I'm underwater! and apparently I'm earning achievements...that's right!

A molten hot lava pit. Stay away!you go in, YOU DIE!

You could see the lava gurgling and boiling up

Then, all of a sudden, it started raining! You gotta be kiddin me. 

The rain didn't seem to affect the lava. I needed to look for cover.

I found this sheep also looking for shelter.

I hit him with my ax, and killed him. A lamb chop appeared, yummy! :-)

I had fun and really enjoyed the experience of Minecraft. I find it to be very interesting. I can see why the kids are all so interested in it. There is SO much you can do. You are only limited by your imagination. 

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