Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Class 9, Exploring Second Life

Below are screen shots of me installing SecondLife, modifying my avatar, and exploring several worlds. 

Starting at the SecondLife Website, creating my profile & signing in.

A HUGE map of hundreds of different worlds to visit, Quite impressive

Signing in

Standard plain-old avatar that I first chose...

Here I am picking a vampire model

Now I am customizing it by putting on pants. We can't have him roam around naked now, can we?

Exploring the Tutorial World

Flying around tutorial world

This world was called Bike B Station

Exploring and my avatar kind of glitched. Hey, what's that in the corner?...

R2D2, it IS YOU, IT IS YOU!!

This world was called St.Paul's Cathedral

Inside was very impressive. Nice interior

Of course every cathedral has to have an altar

 This tropical world was called MARU. It looked very relaxing

Every world seems to have posters and banners selling something

More swimming in MARU World

This world was called Cartoonimals. I thought it would be alot more...cartoonish

Still Cartoonimal Land

A cool house inside Cartoonimal Land. O.K. time to leave this place!

This land was titled GOS, and it was just a big freakin shoe store. 

Adverts everywhere, trying to sell stuff. Not impressed here

This place was called Prefabrica. It looked dark and detailed. I liked it

I look like a werewolf in London, haha!

This last world was named Copacabana Rio! I thought it would be filled with more people. It wasn't.

It was one of the prettier worlds I visited. I liked this one the best!

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