Thursday, April 9, 2015

Class 10: COLLABORATIVE CODING in PlayCanvas

Below are screen caps from the site Play Canvas. It is a website that allows and teaches you how to build games that will work within your web browser and mobile device. It is free, but,of course, they also have premium content that you can opt to pay for.
The nice thing about PlayCanvas is that you can Collaborate with other programmers and both work on the same game at the same time
Here is my main page. It is my starting point to get to my projects and see what other people are creating. 

Here's the "Collaborate" section of the PlayCanvas forum. This is where people meet up, ask help, or look for partners to work on a new game together. It really has a friendly feel, and the people here are very nice

Here is a case study and success story of how collaborating on Play Canvas can enable people to create something great. This very popular game called Swoop was made by two people within a 6 week development time.  

Here is a screen cap of me playing Swoop. It really is addicting!

Collaboration really is the best thing about Play Canvas. It's almost like the "Google Docs" of game making and coding :-D

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