Thursday, April 30, 2015

Final Project: Local Old Boston State House

Below are screen caps of my creation of the Old Boston State House locally, on my computer in Minecraft.

It measures about 120' long, but about 36' wide. I used approximately 40 blocks by 12 blocks.

My Blank Canvas...

Gotta lay the foundation, it's almost pouring out!

Not too bad

The outer shell. Sturdy man, sturdy!

It's starting to look like a Statehouse...for real.

Gotta hurry up! the sun is going down!

Birds eye view of the outer shell

The basic shell. Now to build the dormers!

One side DONE

The inside. I added some torches for light, and structural brick beams for support 

It's getting there

The dormers came out OK. 

The sun setting on my State House

Birds eye view of the finished product. I like it

Ant's eye view from the ground

This is Building the Old Boston State House in Minecraft. It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

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