Tuesday, April 14, 2015

WebGL Chrome Experiments using Google's Chrome Browser

     Below are three stunning examples of WebGL experiments using Googles Chrome Browser

            This first one is called Xibalba. It's like a combination of Minecraft Meets DOOM!!

                  Here's the link so you can try it if you like http://phoboslab.org/xibalba/

Talk about your modern, meets retro Gaming. I thought this was Very Cool!!

This next one was called A Journey Through Middle Earth. It was the most in-depth and detailed WebGL game I encountered. Not only could you explore MiddleEarth, there was a ton of actual Movie clips and animations.  Here's the link http://middle-earth.thehobbit.com/

You could explore the map of Hobbiton

Many many cinematic movie clips

Explore the Elven Enclave Rivendell

The beautiful Galadriel

Explore, and even do battle in Helm's Deep

Navigate your way through the 3D generated terrain

And the bast part, Choose your character, and Battle Orcs and Demons!

Lastly but certainly not least is The Cathedral. It is a very detailed 3D rendering of the inside of the Saint Jean Cathedral in Lyon, France. 

Here is a link to the experiment . Check it out!  http://patapom.com/topics/WebGL/cathedral/index.html

It took a while to load, but the details of the stone and stained glass were unbelievable

You almost felt like you were really there!

The Experiment demonstrated realtime Spherical Harmonics, HDR lighting, and real time rendering. You could actually tweak the rendering, lighting, luminosity, etc.

I was extremely impressed

This experiment wasn't the most FUN, but definitely the most pleasing to the eye.

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