Thursday, February 26, 2015

Class 7 Gimp Tools

 Below are examples of me using the selection tools in Gimp.

                       The rectangular and circular selection tools in action

Stroke.png below Using the stroke tool

Pasteinto.png posted below

Transparency.png posted below


                                                   Text.png posted below

Scale1.png posted below

Scale2.png posted below


 The Immersive Education Initiative is a non profit international group of educators, research institutes, companies, museums and the like. Their mission is dedicated to define and develop the best standards and practices of teaching technological platforms, education programs, and communities of support for game-based learning, mixed reality, virtual worlds, and fully immersive environments like learning caves and domes. This years 2015 immersive education summit will take place Paris France. Details of the fall date will be announced soon. Stay tuned to for more details.

Another cutting edge, featured technology of this years Immersive Initiative is Cybernetics. One definition of cybernetics is "the science of communications and automatic control systems in both machines and living things. Cybernetics was first defined in 1948 by MIT mathematics professor Norbert Weiner. Weiner considered Cybernetics "a formalization of the notion of feedback, with the implications for engineering, system control, computer science, biology, neuroscience, and philosophy. A great example of cybernetics that you may be familiar with would be the control of a prosthetic arm or hand based on feedback and electrical impulses received from the brain. The minute voltage signal received from various parts of the brain move a complex system of tiny motors and servos that articulate the prosthetic and is capable of even grabbing objects.

Norbert Weiner

Cybernetics has seen dramatic progress in the past several years. The scientific know-how, engineering, and affordability has made leaps and bounds thanks to technology breakthroughs and the demand for more affordable sensors. Some people say that the recent STEAM and Maker movements has inspired a new generation of young thinkers that will use their their Raspberry Pi, or Arduino to construct cybernetic, robotic arms on their 3D printer. It is  very exciting time to be living in this technological revolution. Do not miss the cybernetic displays and examples that will be appearing at this years 2015 immersive education summit.

Some people think that cybernetics and AI are one and the same, though they are both quite different from each other. It is theorized that AI(Artificial Intelligence) has it's roots in Cybernetics. AI grew from an inspiration and desire to make computers more intelligent, and think more like humans. Cybernetics grew from the desire to understand systems(both biological and technical) that can respond to feedback, and achieve actions, goals or a predicted result. The marriage of the two have spawned many science fiction stories and movies about robots and cyborgs outsmarting mankind and taking over the world. They depict robots as being able to process memories, calculate predictions, and even show human-like emotions. Of course that is SO far off from being actually plausible..or is it? Come to the 2015 immersive education summit in Paris France, and find out.

Virtual Reality

 The Immersive Education Initiative is a non profit international group of educators, research institutes, companies, museums and the like. Their mission is dedicated to define and develop the best standards and practices of teaching technological platforms, education programs, and communities of support for game-based learning, mixed reality, virtual worlds, and fully immersive environments like learning caves and domes. This years 2015 immersive education summit will take place Paris France. Details of the fall date will be announced soon. Stay tuned to for more details.

Virtual Reality is one of the main core technologies of Immersive Education. It is the computer simulation of an environment that can project a sensory presence, virtual smell, sound, taste or touch. Virtual reality is an invaluable tool that can be used for education, as well as computer games, combat simulation, or pilot flight training. Users experience the virtual environment through basic input devices like a mouse or keyboard, or they can input motion with sensors like an X-box Kinect, a wired glove, or newer stereoscopic display goggles like Oculus Rift.

Goggles are not the only way to experience virtual environments. There are other methods like simple multiple computer screens, placed side by side. This gives the user an ultra-wide angled view of their environment where they can look at what is straight ahead, as well as what is on the left and right side. Another method of experiencing immersion in Virtual Reality is a projection screen, either in a corner of a room, or a domed ceiling. This gives the user a more natural sensation of being in a different world/location.

Since it's inception, the achilles heel of Virtual Reality has been the limitations of technology and computing power to give the user a fluent, seamless virtual experience. Processor speed, large, high resolution displays, and communication bandwidth have improved greatly in a short amount of time. This is helping bring Virtual Reality to the forefront of immersive education, training, and even into the home for entertainment purposes.

At this years 2015 immersive education summit in Paris France, Virtual Reality will be a prominent showcased technology. Come and see the exciting displays and examples of this influential immersive tool. Experience how Virtual Reality can make everyday learning fun, easy, and intuitive. You won't regret the experience. 


The Immersive Education Initiative is a non profit international group of educators, research institutes, companies, museums and the like. Their mission is dedicated to define and develop the best standards and practices of teaching technological platforms, education programs, and communities of support for game-based learning, mixed reality, virtual worlds, and fully immersive environments like learning caves and domes. This years 2015 immersive education summit will take place Paris France. Details of the fall date will be announced soon. Stay tuned to for more details.

There are many exciting technologies being presented this year at the 2015 immersive education summit. Technologies like 3D printing, cybernetics, virtual reality, and of course, robotics. Robotics have been around for decades. But just like 3D printing, the technology has gotten drastically more affordable as time and the demand goes on. Robots used to be the only in fantasy books or in science fiction movies, taking over the world. Now they can be found in every auto maker factory, mill, and they're slowly making a move into the homes of America.

As the industrial revolution roared through America in the 1800's, technology was improving at a remarkable rate. Our country, that was so rich in natural resources, witnessed the birth of automated manufacturing. We went from harnessing and making our own products and clothes, to inventing machines that could do it FOR us, making American life easier. What started out as knitting and weaving looms for our clothes, led to tractors and machines to harness our crops. They just got bigger and better as time went on.

As technology becomes smaller and more affordable, people use the technology and innovation to make their lives easier, or to even entertain themselves. Robotics has seen an immense increase in popularity within just the past few years. A whole new generation of engineers and makers are building robots, drones, vacuum cleaners and even self-driving cars.

 There are so many new forms any types of robotics, One can get lost in the technological array of walkers, drones, and robotic arms. What was conceived as hi level NASA technology has become understood and common knowledge amongst the new makers and electronics gear heads of today. There are many facets of robotics that can assist us, educate us, and continue to make our lives easier.  

Drones may be bringing packages and mail to our houses some day. Our car may be driving itself to the supermarket to pickup mother with groceries.  What was once a dream is becoming reality at an alarming rate. This year at the 2015 immersive education summit there will be speakers and hands-on examples of cutting edge robotics in the home and education. It is an exciting time to be into technology and immersive education. The technology of robotics may greatly aid in virtual teaching throughout the world. Whether you're a hobbyist or an educator, the future hold some impressive things that are going to blow us away.

3D Printing

   The Immersive Education Initiative is a non profit international group of educators, research institutes, companies, museums and the like. Their mission is dedicated to define and develop the best standards and practices of teaching technological platforms, education programs, and communities of support for game-based learning, mixed reality, virtual worlds, and fully immersive environments like learning caves and domes. This years 2015 immersive education summit will take place Paris France. Details of the fall date will be announced soon. Stay tuned to for more details.

    There are many exciting technologies being presented this year at the 2015 immersive education summit. Technologies like robotics, cybernetics, virtual reality, and my favorite, 3D Printing.  This report is about the exciting technology and evolution of the art of 3D printing. From its early stages, where massive, expensive machines could build custom items needed for the big companies, right down to the desktop-sized machine that you can buy online and build yourself.

3D printing has been around for 30years. Years ago it was an expensive, massive machine that only  big companies and corporations could afford to invest in. It is only within the past several years that the popularity has taken off and skyrocketed into the mainstream. As with anything, over the years, as technology and parts become smaller and cheaper, certain things that were once out of reach of the general public, become affordable and even main stream. 3D printing is a great example of how this industry exploded so quickly. 

 Some people say it was the Maker movement that thrusted this technology into the popularity spotlight. The Maker movement is the recent popularity of people thinking different about how things are made, fixed, and even conceived. It is the popularity of micro controllers like the Arduino, and raspberry pi, that created a whole new generation of electronic geeks. Enthusiasts are learning electronics, fixing their own clocks and dvd players. They're even designing their own automated irrigation systems and house security alarm systems. It is a movement that is still growing to this day. 

The two preceding pictures are printers from what is decidedly the MOST popular printing company called Makerbot. They were the pioneers and front runners in getting the power of 3D printing affordable and small enough to fit on your desktop. For under $2000(they're even MUCH cheaper now) you could own your own 3D printer and print out parts for toys, games, or even house appliances. You can design your own parts with free software thats easily downloadable, or you can use many of the design schematics that can also be found free online. The online community of people willing to help, and share their project diagrams are mind boggling. It is a massive community of people with a common interest, and a love for making...just about anything.

 You're only limited by your imagination. If you can think it, you can design it, If you can design it, you can print it out on a 3D printer. This remarkable technology will be just one of many exciting technologies represented this year at the 2015 immersive education summit. Don't miss out!

Class 6 Assignment 9

                         Below are screen caps of me reading "The distributed Self...".

I found it to be an interesting read and i think it accurately depicts the changing/morphing of the perception of self through the ages. From the early pre-revolution years,  to the industrial revolution, up to todays modern virtual world, The perception of self has drastically taken on new meanings and definitions through the years. It used to be defined as simply as who you are the son of, or what your father did for a living, that defined who you would be/are. As the industrial revolution came about, and advances in technology and psychology of the human mind, we realized our individuality, that we are divided between or conscious and our subconscious. Also that is is singularly embodied within us, and it is continuous, but can change.

    Todays modern social networks and virtual environments greatly affect our sense of self and identity. It is thought that we conceive multiple versions of our self, whether its on Facebook, Instagram or any other social media. That version of our selves that we put out there on the social may be truer and closer the the physical versions of our modern day selves, But  there is also the virtual version of self that is NOT physical. That version of self tends to get exaggerated, and twisted in order to make us appear better or completely different from what we really are. We can multi task our many modern selves to accommodate how we feel or adjust to what environment we're in. Many people in virtual worlds like second life have a second or third avatar version/identity of themselves. This is an example of how our digital habits are affecting our sense of self. We spend a great deal of time online, sending email, chatting with friends, checking in on work, and talking to our loved ones.

     We have a scattered social online aura that was depicted quite accurately in an earlier class assignment. The resulting chart shows how much time we spent socializing, communicating online, and surfing the web. We as a society need to remain focused and not to let these new modern day distractions compromise who we really are as a person. We need to keep our "self" intact and true.

 This was a very interesting article of the distributed self

Its interesting to see how the image of self changed throughout the ages.

 I found this very interesting and informative.

Class 6 Assignment 6

Below are screen caps of me visiting exquisite forest. It is a collaborative art/media site where people can work together on creative projects.

I had trouble adding any content. I guess since August of last year, you cannot add content anymore.

 Above is the error message I received. Boo :-( 

  The concept of the tree, and people adding to the story and branches was very unique

Here are some scenes from one project about a lone TV set

You can see how people get creative and enthused about working together to create.

This poor TV set is taking a beating today.

But in the end, the sun comes out and the TV is happy

Class 6 Assignment 8

Below are screen shots and a link about and The two links are below

Screenshots of games played at JiED site. I liked that one. I was very impressed

Here is the fish tank.You can change the amount of fish that swim around you, as well as the view

Here's where I changed the number of fish from 50 to 250!

Another game was Rubik's cube. With your mouse, you can turn and twist the block just like a real rubik's cube. Very cool!


Here's the cube after twisting it around several times.

Below are screen shots of Games played at Play were much more interactive and fun

This one was called TANX. The goal was to shoot the other tank and stay alive.

It was a lot of fun to play

The game below was called DYCO. You rolled your ball around the maze, and you can access certain things or chance the color or your ball.

Below I changed my ball to an all blue color

The last game below was called winter blast. It was the least fun and was kind of boring

I got my butt handed to me frequently

Finally are screen caps of me reading and learning how to build lands and games in play canvas.

I found it very interesting. I can't wait to start building my own worlds.