Thursday, February 26, 2015


The Immersive Education Initiative is a non profit international group of educators, research institutes, companies, museums and the like. Their mission is dedicated to define and develop the best standards and practices of teaching technological platforms, education programs, and communities of support for game-based learning, mixed reality, virtual worlds, and fully immersive environments like learning caves and domes. This years 2015 immersive education summit will take place Paris France. Details of the fall date will be announced soon. Stay tuned to for more details.

There are many exciting technologies being presented this year at the 2015 immersive education summit. Technologies like 3D printing, cybernetics, virtual reality, and of course, robotics. Robotics have been around for decades. But just like 3D printing, the technology has gotten drastically more affordable as time and the demand goes on. Robots used to be the only in fantasy books or in science fiction movies, taking over the world. Now they can be found in every auto maker factory, mill, and they're slowly making a move into the homes of America.

As the industrial revolution roared through America in the 1800's, technology was improving at a remarkable rate. Our country, that was so rich in natural resources, witnessed the birth of automated manufacturing. We went from harnessing and making our own products and clothes, to inventing machines that could do it FOR us, making American life easier. What started out as knitting and weaving looms for our clothes, led to tractors and machines to harness our crops. They just got bigger and better as time went on.

As technology becomes smaller and more affordable, people use the technology and innovation to make their lives easier, or to even entertain themselves. Robotics has seen an immense increase in popularity within just the past few years. A whole new generation of engineers and makers are building robots, drones, vacuum cleaners and even self-driving cars.

 There are so many new forms any types of robotics, One can get lost in the technological array of walkers, drones, and robotic arms. What was conceived as hi level NASA technology has become understood and common knowledge amongst the new makers and electronics gear heads of today. There are many facets of robotics that can assist us, educate us, and continue to make our lives easier.  

Drones may be bringing packages and mail to our houses some day. Our car may be driving itself to the supermarket to pickup mother with groceries.  What was once a dream is becoming reality at an alarming rate. This year at the 2015 immersive education summit there will be speakers and hands-on examples of cutting edge robotics in the home and education. It is an exciting time to be into technology and immersive education. The technology of robotics may greatly aid in virtual teaching throughout the world. Whether you're a hobbyist or an educator, the future hold some impressive things that are going to blow us away.

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