Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Class 6 Part 3

Below are screen shots of me changing my two bitmap silver dollars to Susan B. Anthony coins using Gimp. It was very difficult to do, just like the professor said it would be.
Here's the original bitmap coin I created in Gimp. I began to try to erase the president on the face.

It wasn't easy. ended up spraying gold color over everything

Then I changed the president from a man, to Susan B. Anthony

                              I drew the face of Susan pretty good, If I don't mind saying
I added some more text and we had to change the date to 1999 per the prof's instructions

The finished product with my name above it

Below is the original Vector coin Graphic I created in MS Word

Because there are no layers, It was very difficult to change the background color to gold

I ended up spraying everything and drawing a new Susan B over the president

Then I added text and the date of 1999

Finished product with my name written across for all to see.

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