Thursday, February 26, 2015

Class 6 Assignment 8

Below are screen shots and a link about and The two links are below

Screenshots of games played at JiED site. I liked that one. I was very impressed

Here is the fish tank.You can change the amount of fish that swim around you, as well as the view

Here's where I changed the number of fish from 50 to 250!

Another game was Rubik's cube. With your mouse, you can turn and twist the block just like a real rubik's cube. Very cool!


Here's the cube after twisting it around several times.

Below are screen shots of Games played at Play were much more interactive and fun

This one was called TANX. The goal was to shoot the other tank and stay alive.

It was a lot of fun to play

The game below was called DYCO. You rolled your ball around the maze, and you can access certain things or chance the color or your ball.

Below I changed my ball to an all blue color

The last game below was called winter blast. It was the least fun and was kind of boring

I got my butt handed to me frequently

Finally are screen caps of me reading and learning how to build lands and games in play canvas.

I found it very interesting. I can't wait to start building my own worlds.

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