Thursday, February 26, 2015

Class 6 Assignment 9

                         Below are screen caps of me reading "The distributed Self...".

I found it to be an interesting read and i think it accurately depicts the changing/morphing of the perception of self through the ages. From the early pre-revolution years,  to the industrial revolution, up to todays modern virtual world, The perception of self has drastically taken on new meanings and definitions through the years. It used to be defined as simply as who you are the son of, or what your father did for a living, that defined who you would be/are. As the industrial revolution came about, and advances in technology and psychology of the human mind, we realized our individuality, that we are divided between or conscious and our subconscious. Also that is is singularly embodied within us, and it is continuous, but can change.

    Todays modern social networks and virtual environments greatly affect our sense of self and identity. It is thought that we conceive multiple versions of our self, whether its on Facebook, Instagram or any other social media. That version of our selves that we put out there on the social may be truer and closer the the physical versions of our modern day selves, But  there is also the virtual version of self that is NOT physical. That version of self tends to get exaggerated, and twisted in order to make us appear better or completely different from what we really are. We can multi task our many modern selves to accommodate how we feel or adjust to what environment we're in. Many people in virtual worlds like second life have a second or third avatar version/identity of themselves. This is an example of how our digital habits are affecting our sense of self. We spend a great deal of time online, sending email, chatting with friends, checking in on work, and talking to our loved ones.

     We have a scattered social online aura that was depicted quite accurately in an earlier class assignment. The resulting chart shows how much time we spent socializing, communicating online, and surfing the web. We as a society need to remain focused and not to let these new modern day distractions compromise who we really are as a person. We need to keep our "self" intact and true.

 This was a very interesting article of the distributed self

Its interesting to see how the image of self changed throughout the ages.

 I found this very interesting and informative.

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