Thursday, April 30, 2015

BC Representing in Professional Gaming

Below are some screen shots of our classmates Chris and Jeffery competing in a professional video game competition. Chris and Jeff made it to the Final Four, but lost in the semi finals.

                   We're very proud of them and what they accomplished. Great job guys!!

The bad boys from Boston

Real announcers!

The dream team and the competition

The battles. Very Impressive

Congrats Guys! We're very proud!

Final #3 - Group 3D Building Project :State House

Below are screencaps of the Group Statehouse that we built together as a class. It came out really nice
Here we demolished the old Statehouse on a platform that we originally constructed last week. 

The walls went up fast and furious. Everybody helped and knocked them out fast!

It started to look like a building very quickly

Once the walls were up, we immediately started on the roof and dormers

Somebody installed stone cap window sills. I thought it gave it a nice touch

Standing back from a distance to make sure the dormers are evenly spaced.

Checking out the view from above

And the view of the cupola from the roofline. It looks good so far

It's taking shape and really coming along 

Everything looks in line and evenly spaced.

O.K. so we had to adjust a dormer or two. Some looked uneven. We fixed them up good.

The view from the balcony door, looking into the interior

From the balcony door looking outside to the Boston Harbor.

The door and torches lighting up the doorway...looking very colonial-ish!

The view from inside after we finished laying the carpet

I'd like to take credit for this, but Danny H. created this stoplight. Pretty cool!

The final view from the inside. I love it!

Standing back from afar to admire the finished product. 

A piece of Boston history created in just one class. Our iED Computer Graphics Class ROCKS!

This is the Final Project: Group Statehouse . It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

Final Project: Local Old Boston State House

Below are screen caps of my creation of the Old Boston State House locally, on my computer in Minecraft.

It measures about 120' long, but about 36' wide. I used approximately 40 blocks by 12 blocks.

My Blank Canvas...

Gotta lay the foundation, it's almost pouring out!

Not too bad

The outer shell. Sturdy man, sturdy!

It's starting to look like a Statehouse...for real.

Gotta hurry up! the sun is going down!

Birds eye view of the outer shell

The basic shell. Now to build the dormers!

One side DONE

The inside. I added some torches for light, and structural brick beams for support 

It's getting there

The dormers came out OK. 

The sun setting on my State House

Birds eye view of the finished product. I like it

Ant's eye view from the ground

This is Building the Old Boston State House in Minecraft. It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

Thursday, April 23, 2015

My Final Building Area

Below are the coordinates, in Minecraft, where we are going to build our Old State House

The Coordinates are 500, 111, 741

Below are Screen shots and a Group picture of the builders gathered together as well as some images of our progress so far

 credible state house material -Dimensions, blueprints, etc

The dimensions of the Old State House are 118'long  X 36'wide

A great source for navigating with coordinates in Minecraft is below