Thursday, April 9, 2015

Final #3: Group 3D Building Project.

Below are screen caps of the group Building that the while class collaborated on to construct. I think it came out great. I will describe in the pictures some of the things that I contributed. ENJOY

 Here we are meeting in a grassy field. It was kind of cleared out so we decided to build here.

 I chose the cobblestone flooring. Myself and another classmate put it down. It looks solid

I also chose the blue glass blocks for the roof. It really gives the house character. I think Haley helped my install them. She also put the torches on the roof as well; 

Finished constructing the roof. I'm REALLY impressed with how it came out. 

The view of my glass blocks from inside. It's raining outside, but I'm nice and dry, thank you,

I  Created all of the beds in the loft, just under my glass roof. 

The beds from the inside. I also created the brick floor with some assistance. 

The brick ceiling was installed by myself and another classmate. Then I jumped up to the glass block roof.

Somebody helping by installing a side door to get in to the loft from outside

An areal view of the whole house, plot, pools, diving boards, and gardens

We discovered that there was a cellar below the house, so we broke up through the house floor. Pretty cool.

I also planted all of these flower pots and Allium flowers along the path way and around the perimeter of the house.

Another view of all the flowers I planted

Another areal view of the whole creation. We really worked well together. I'm proud of our house!

Here's a group photo we tried to take near the end. Everybody gathered up in the loft for a picture!

This is Final #3 Group 3D Building Project. It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

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